Top 16 Smallest Dog Breeds in the World

If little dog breeds have anything in common, it might be their sizes! Certain varieties tend to be more independent and easy back, while others are usually loud and social.

There are other sorts of breeds, such as short, straight hair, long, flowing locks, or even curls that are tightly bound. Some of your new furry pals will be full of activity and eager for the next fetch game, while other little ones may be content to curl up on your lap.  

Your preferences for activity level, grooming commitment, and personality will determine which tiny dog is best for you. Some of the greatest tiny dog breeds are listed below.

Top 16 Smallest Dog Breeds

  • 1. Maltese
  • 2. Boston Terrier
  • 3. Dachshund
  • 4. Shih Tzu
  • 5. Pug
  • 6. Pomeranian
  • 7. Chihuahua
  • 8. Yorkshire Terrier
  • 9. Russkiy Toy
  • 10. Affenpinscher
  • 11. Japan chin
  • 12. Poodle
  • 13. Bichon Frise
  • 14. Griffon Belge
  • 15. German Spitz
  • 16. Pekinese

1. Maltese

One of the most adored and recognizable small dog breeds worldwide is the Maltese. With its long, silky white coat and expressive black eyes, this breed is well known for its graceful and beautiful appearance. Due to their historical ties to the Mediterranean island of Malta, Maltese dogs have a rich history that spans more than two millennia.

1. Maltese

Physical attributes

Maltese dogs are little dogs that normally weigh 4 to 7 pounds (1.8 to 3.2 kilograms) and have a shoulder height of 7 to 12 inches (18 to 30 cm). Their unique coat falls down to the ground in a flowing fashion.


Maltese canines are renowned for being lovable and affectionate. They thrive on affection and attention and are faithful and loyal to their human friends. These dogs are frequently referred to as “velcro dogs” since they love to always be close to their humans. They get along nicely with kids and other animals, making them great family pets.

Maltese dogs are bright and easily trained, despite their occasional stubbornness. They learn effectively via positive reinforcement techniques, and they do exceptionally well in tasks requiring obedience and flexibility. They don’t need a big yard because they are compact and fit for apartment living.

2. Boston Terrier

Often called the “American Gentleman,” the Boston Terrier is a quaint and unusual little breed distinguished by its lively, amiable disposition and tuxedo-like coat. This breed, which originated in the US, has a rich history and is now a cherished companion dog in many homes.

Physical attributes

Boston Terriers are little canines with a well-built, muscular physique. They are usually 15 to 17 inches (38 to 43 cm) tall at the shoulder and weigh between 12 and 25 pounds (5.4 to 11.3 kilograms). Their tuxedo-like coat pattern, which consists of a sleek black and white or brindle and white coat, is one of their most unique qualities. It gives them a polished and unusual appearance.

2. Boston Terrier


Boston Terriers have laid-back, friendly, and charming personalities. They have a reputation for being incredibly outgoing and making great friends for elderly individuals, single people, and families. Because of their desire to please, these dogs are well known for being intelligent, flexible, and typically easy to train.

Their active characteristics make them excellent friends, and they generally behave well around children. They don’t meet the criteria for aggressive dogs, but they are loyal and protective, which makes them great watchdogs that may notify their owners about any unauthorized visitors.

3. Dachshund

The recognizable Dachshund breed is available in both typical and miniature sizes, as well as a wide range of colours. They are entertaining and extremely appealing dogs.


 As a reminder that they were raised to take on the formidable badger, Dachshunds possess an unrivaled bravery and self-assurance. They are devoted guardians of their family, passionate about their pet parents, and occasionally demanding. This breed of dog is independent and fierce since it is partially terrier and partially hound.

3. Dachshund


 Of all the Dachshund variations, the smooth-coated Dachshund requires the least amount of care due to its short coat. Of the three varieties, the longhaired variant sheds the most and requires more frequent grooming (but it’s simple to locate other breeds that shed).

4. Shih Tzu

The Shih Tzu has enchanted people for generations—and still does—with its little face and brilliant eyes.


Shih Tzus are cheerful, amiable dogs that gleam with charm. They are among the greatest for a household with small children. Since the majority of this breed’s ancestors’ lives were spent relaxing in regal Chinese palaces, they are naturally content lapdogs.

4. Shih Tzu


A Shih Tzu’s long flowing coat requires regular brushing, and the hair in front of their face should be tied up in a topknot (tidy and out of their eyes). Another option is to maintain the coat short, which requires less brushing or top knotting.

5. Pug

With its furrowed brows, glittering eyes, and curling tail, the pug is among the most recognizable dogs in the world.

5. Pug


 The Pug has a calm, loving, and playful nature. This adorable species is well-liked by both children and adults since they are polite to both people and other animals. Pugs love to sleep, but because of their small noses and flat features, which make breathing difficult for them, they frequently snore and snort.


 Although the Pug’s short coat sheds, it does not require much upkeep. Be mindful of the face and eyes, as those adorable furrows on the face could gather dirt and germs.

6. Pomeranian

The Pomeranian is a traditional tiny dog with an eager smile, fox-like features, and a fluffy coat.

6. Pomeranian


 This breed makes a great lapdog, is friendly toward other dogs, and is loyal to its owner. Pomeranians are happy, perceptive, and lively little furry pals who are curious about everything in their environment. They also make excellent watchdogs! With the right training, they can learn a ton of endearing tricks.


 Because Pomeranians constantly shed, they need to be brushed thoroughly on a regular basis.

7. Chihuahua

The Chihuahua, one of the smallest dog breeds under 10 pounds, is renowned for its small stature but big personality, as well as its adorable round eyes and pointy ears.

7. Chihuahua


 Both chihuahuas and their pet parents exhibit a high degree of loyalty! As a matter of fact, Chihuahua owners frequently own multiple dogs over the course of their lives. This breed is bold, affectionate, and intelligent. They will demand and deserve your respect. Chihuahuas are devoted to their pet parents and are incredibly protective of them. Most get along well with other pets but find other dogs’ personalities objectionable.


 While short haired Chihuahuas simply need occasional brushing to keep well-groomed, long haired Chihuahuas demand frequent brushing. These dogs’ eyes gather dirt and debris from their close proximity to the ground, so it’s important to clean them frequently.

8. Yorkshire Terrier 

The Yorkshire Terrier, sometimes referred to as the “Yorkie,” is a stylish and well-liked little dog breed with a distinctive silky coat of gray and tan.

8. Yorkshire Terrier 


Yorkies have the boisterous, brave, and lively temperament of true terriers. They are smart canines who are simple to train and get along well with other pets. Yorkies make excellent security dogs. Nonetheless, because they detest being by themselves, they have a tendency to be protective of their pet parents and follow them about.


 The fur in front of a Yorkie’s face should be regularly clipped or kept in a topknot. Long-coated Yorkies should be combed every day. This breed’s hair is usually kept short by pet parents to make grooming easier, although frequent brushing is still necessary for their coat.

9. Russkiy Toy

A little and energetic toy breed from Russia is called the Russkiy Toy, or Russian Toy Terrier. These little dogs are well-known for their refined looks and lively personalities, which make them excellent companions for anyone who value their delicate charm.

9. Russkiy Toy


Pets that are lively and loving are Russkiy Toys. They thrive on human company and adore being among people. Despite their stature, they have a self-assured, occasionally even audacious disposition. These energetic tiny dogs frequently take pleasure in recreational activities. Russkiy Toys develop close relationships with their owners, are fiercely protective, and act as vigilant little watchdogs.


The Russkiy Toy is comparatively easy to groom because of their smooth coat.

10. Affenpinscher

The adorable Affenpinscher is a little and endearing breed that is well-known for its playful demeanor and unique appearance. It is sometimes referred to as the “Monkey Terrier” because of its adorable monkey-like expression. Dog lovers adore these small dogs because of their large personalities.

10. Affenpinscher


These little dogs have vivacious personalities. They are frequently described as confident, inquisitive, and vivacious. They are fast to express themselves and are not timid despite their diminutive stature. They can be very affectionate and are loyal to their families. Because of their playful and mischievous nature, Affenpinschers are great companions for anyone who like having an active pet.


Grooming the Affenpinscher is relatively low-maintenance due to their wiry and dense coat.

11. Japan chin

Japan chin are well-liked by people who value their grace and company because of their majestic beauty and kind temperament.

11. Japan chin


The temperament of the Japan Chin is that of a kind and loving dog. They are renowned for being pleasant and courteous, and they frequently love spending time with their humans. These tiny dogs are wonderful house pets and adore cuddling up by your side. Although they are mostly quiet, they can also be very lively, which can bring some fun into your everyday existence.


Maintaining the finest possible appearance for their opulent coat requires regular grooming.

12. Poodle

Even though Poodles are frequently connected to dog shows, these robust, curly-coated canines make wonderful housemates. They do not, however, fall solely into the little dog breed category; Toy and Miniature Poodles are minor variations of this type.

12. Poodle


Toy and miniature poodles are intelligent, sophisticated canines capable of sporting the most ornate, recognizable hairstyles. These are both very clever, athletic, and trainable dogs. Though the Miniature Poodle is more suited for a home with younger children, the Toy Poodle is marginally smaller and likes a more tranquil atmosphere.


Poodles are almost completely hypoallergenic and do not shed, but they still need regular brushing and maintenance due to their thick, curly hair.

13. Bichon Frise

The Bichon Frise is beloved for its charming smile and fluffy white coat.

13. Bichon Frise


This breed is amiable, loving, and upbeat in temperament. The Bichon’s favorite things to do are entertain their family and try to get as much time as possible with their pet parents. They are friendly toward strangers and get along well with adults, older kids, and other pets.


 The Bichon Frise’s coat needs to be carefully tended to with regular brushing, even though it is a hypoallergenic dog breed with minimal shedding. To avoid tears stains and skin irritation, their eyes should be wiped on a regular basis.

14. Griffon Belge

Small Belgian dogs called Griffon Belges are like little balls of happiness. These canines are adored for their vibrant personalities and endearing appearances. Let us take a closer look at them.

14. Griffon Belge


Griffon Belges are very friendly and vibrant. They take pleasure in socializing and are playing. These dogs are like tiny comedians; they never fail to put a grin on your face. They are also excellent for fun-loving households and get along well with other pets.


These dogs require some care because of their unique coats. Their coat is spiky and rough, and it can become tangled if it isn’t brushed frequently. Perhaps you should give them a special haircut.

15.  German Spitz

The German Spitz is a tiny breed distinguished by its floppy coat and amiable disposition. These canines, who are beloved for their endearing appearance and gregarious attitude, come originally from Germany. Let’s examine their grooming requirements and attitude.

15.  German Spitz


German Spitz canines are amiable and kind. They are renowned for their loyalty and frequently develop close relationships with their owners. These adorable tiny animals are wonderful family companions because they are lively and inquisitive. Because they can be quite talkative, they may bark when they’re happy or aware of something. They are also effective watchdogs because of this quality.


Because of their thick, double coats, German Spitz dogs need to be brushed frequently to maintain their finest appearance. They shed their coat during seasonal changes.

16. Pekinese

A little breed with a huge personality, the Pekingese is also known as the “Lion Dog” because to its similarity to old Chinese lion statues. These canines are revered in China for their illustrious past, devoted friendship, and majestic appearance.

16. Pekinese


Canines of the Pekingese breed are very unique. They are extremely dedicated to their owners, yet they may sometimes be a little stubborn. They frequently behave like miniature emperors, requiring love and care. These dogs are strongly devoted to their family, yet they can be independent and a little distant from outsiders. They like playing and taking short daily walks, but they are not very energetic.


Long, flowing coats require frequent brushing to keep Pekingese looking their best.

Wrapping Up

The smallest dog breeds in the world bring a whole lot of cuteness and charm in tiny packages. From the tiny Terriers to the miniature toy breeds, these little pups may be small in size, but they have huge personalities. These petite companions make perfect pets for those with limited space and a love for adorable, pocket-sized pooches. Whether you’re a dog lover or simply curious, these small dogs are proof that good things come in small packages.

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