Top 11 Dumbest Dog Breeds: Exploring Less Intelligent Dog

While each dog is unique and adorable in its way, it is a fact that the intelligence of various dog breeds may vary. During this analysis of “Dumbest Dog Breeds,” we’ll make fun of some species that may not be the brightest in the bunch. 

Recall that other measures can be used to assess a dog’s attractiveness beyond intelligence, and these types of dogs frequently make up for their intelligence by having excellent attitudes and attractive attributes. Let’s start on an adventure to learn more about these breeds and to show our four-legged friends how much we care.

Dogs are not all made equal, just like men and women. Every dog has competence, and even if some may be smarter than others, they are all proof that love is a four-legged word.

Since every dog is different and has skills and flaws, no dog should be called “dumb.” However, if you still need to determine if your dog belongs to the less intelligent types, this list includes both common and uncommon dog breeds that are considered stupid.

Top 11 dumbest dogs

So here is my list of the top 11 breeds considered the dumbest dogs in the world. Have a look at this.

  1. Afghan Hound
  2. Bulldog
  3. Basset Hound
  4. Chow, chow
  5. Bloodhound
  6. Pekingese
  7. Beagle
  8. Basenji
  9. Borzoi
  10. Mastiff
  11. Chihuahua

1. Afghan Hound

There’s nothing quite like the majestic aura of an Afghan hound. The breed is elegant, quick, and slender. Your dog will get all the “oohs” and “awws” when you go on a walk, and you, as the owner, might become a walking, invisible pole.

There isn’t a more self-assured breed than the Afghan hound. They are serene, regal, and self-sufficient by nature.

Some dogs will behave strangely and foolishly for a single reward. Neither do nor will Afghan hounds. Afghan hounds do not jump over hoops like other breeds do. They won’t simply roll over to get a belly rub or pretend to be dead to get a hug. 

1. Afghan Hound

Sadly, this breed has become too independent and resilient for its good because of its self-confidence. An Afghan Hound may react with cold indifference if you attempt to provide directions. This frequently results in the assumption that your Afghan hounds cannot understand anything you say. 

Your Afghan Hound will always give you a dog poker face, whether you give him an order or a compliment. Your dog’s habit of merely gazing at you and acting as though he doesn’t hear anything you say may even cause you to doubt his hearing ability. 

The Afghan Hound breed has been branded as air-headed because of their temperament. 

2. Bulldog

This saying takes on new meaning when you own a bulldog: “Good things come in thick-headed and brave packages.” 

Loved for their bravery in defending you and your family against danger or misfortune, bulldogs are devoted to their owners. It’s also a pleasant and endearing breed.

2. Bulldog

Unfortunately, because of their unwillingness to follow or understand instructions, bulldogs are thought to be among the stupidest dog breeds. When you consider their ridiculous appearance, they fulfill the definition of “dumb.” 

On the other hand, bulldogs are utterly obedient to their owners and highly docile. They enjoy making their owners happy. 

3. Basset Hound

Considered dumb because they take longer than other breeds to understand even the most basic commands, Basset Hounds are best renowned for their floppy ears and endearing disposition.

3. Basset Hound

It will take time and patience, but they will eventually understand and do what you want. A command cannot be given only in one manner. It would help if you used imagination when explaining and demonstrating to them what you want them to do.

Again, because the Basset Hound is a Hound, it is expected that its nose will easily divert its attention. Your Basset Hound will lose awareness of you once the nose takes over.

4. Chow, chow

There are moments when discussing the intellect of Chow Chows is impossible. These are dogs with tongues that are blue-black and shaped like lions. 

4. Chow, chow

Though Chow Chows are on this list since they are independent-thinking animals, this breed tends to be very serious, hard-headed, and unyielding. 

 Many foolish dogs are joyful and carefree, but not the Chow Chow. The main reason these extremely wary guard dogs are so frightening is that you never know what’s happening through their minds.

5. Bloodhound

The inclusion of Bloodhounds on this list could surprise you. Bloodhounds are police dogs, right? Yes, missions for search and rescue, as well as drug detection, employ these dogs. Their excellent sense of smell enables them to follow a scent for almost 130 miles. 

5. Bloodhound

Although their hunting ability is unquestionable, their excessive self-reliance is one of the reasons they rank among the dumbest dog breeds.

These scent hounds need a large portion of their brainpower to comprehend the vast knowledge they detect with their noses. They are essentially useless for tasks unrelated to scent. Unfortunately, it doesn’t make much of a difference to dress them as dog detectives.

6. Pekingese

This puppy is aware that it is the most excellent arm candy imaginable. If your Pekingese is showing off, you don’t need any other show-off. 

6. Platinum tank Group

Furthermore, the Pekingese don’t try to push themselves because they are expected to be naturally cute. Even without any training, their owners frequently spoil and provide them with the finest things in life, so they lack the initiative to be anything more than skilled lapdogs. 

This overindulgence in spoiling has also made this breed very independent and obstinate. Pekingese are not trained; other dog breeds are. 

7. Beagle

You may feel a little let down that Snoopy is on this list. However, Beagles are often referred to as “hard-headed,” “thick-headed,” and “empty-headed.” 

7. Beagle

But these explanations only apply if your Beagle begins to follow its nose. Beagles will follow their sounds for all time. You have to watch helplessly as your Beagle starts to sniff and follow his nose, even if you have faith in his training. 

8. Basenji

Basenji is an African hunting dog breed less common in the US. The best way to describe Basenjis is as quiet dogs. 

8. Basenji

For whatever reason, those who don’t talk much are frequently called and presumed to be “dumb.” For the same reason, Basenjis are considered the second most dim-witted breed of dog in the world of canines. 

Now, this breed’s numerous similarities to cats are the reason it’s on this list. Most people agree that cats are untrainable and have their universe. That’s how Basenjis are best described. This breed is equally lively and curious as cats, and it grooms like one. 

9. Borzoi

Borzois are on this list because, similar to cats, they disregard training entirely. The deliberate stubbornness of Borzois is additionally contributing to the stereotype of them as being stupid. Indeed, they can be dog snobs, particularly if they don’t trust your leadership capacity. 

9. Borzoi

Borzois requires authoritative leadership and brief, regular training sessions. This untrainable dog can be trained to become a tame and amiable companion. 

10. Mastiff

Mastiffs’ powerful physique and attacking appearance make it possible to bow down to an alpha that they admire. Therefore, you should anticipate constant disregard if you aren’t this person. The Mastiff’s blatant disrespect for the majority of people is what has earned it the reputation of being simple-minded. 

10. Mastiff

Although they are highly reticent to obey commands, mastiffs can be trained. Positive reinforcement in brief but consistent training sessions is ideal for Mastiffs. You must demonstrate to them that you are the leader and that your dog must obey you. 

11. Chihuahua. 

Does the size of the brain matter? You’d have to answer yes, given the small Chihuahua’s intelligence—or lack thereof.

11. Chihuahua

Is Your Dog Listed as dumb?

Please don’t take offense if your dog belongs to one of these breeds! Alternatively, comfort yourself with one of the following:

1. Your dog might be unique.

Dogs belonging to the same breed may differ significantly in their talents. Perhaps the exception that proves the rule is your dog. Maybe you have a slight bias; in that case, nobody can hold you accountable.

2. Dog IQ testing is, at best, dubious and, at worst, useless.

Dog intelligence tests must answer two questions: a) What is intelligence, and b) how can you assess it in a non-verbal animal? Each expert will respond to both of these questions in different ways.

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That doesn’t matter.

One characteristic of dogs is intelligence. There are more significant ones for the majority of folks. Some people don’t think it matters at all. After all, less intelligent dogs can still be adorable, humorous, and loving. Honestly, who cares if your dog is less intelligent than dirt if he possesses all those qualities?

Wrapping Up

As part of our exploration of canine intellect, we have looked at some of the “Dumbest Dog Breeds.” It’s vital to remember that intelligence can take many different forms, even though certain breeds might not be the best at activities requiring sophisticated problem-solving. Beyond their cognitive capacities, these canines have distinctive and appealing features that enrich our lives.

In dogs, loyalty, unconditional love, and their relationship with their human friends are the most important things. As “dumb” as they may seem, each breed possesses a unique quality. 


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