Are Huskies Good With Kids

There are a very few canines are as eye-catching as the husky. They are extremely popular due to their dazzling blue eyes, stunning coats, and fun-loving, friendly attitudes.

Huskies are a popular dog breed in the United States. They gained prominence a few years ago as a result of the HBO series Game of Thrones. Many prospective dog owners resorted to Huskies in search of canines that resembled the dreadful wolf. They appear adorable, are always up for a good time, have amazing eyes, and are unlikely to bite.

Siberian huskies, Alaskan Malamutes, Samoyeds, and Labrador huskies are among the Arctic sled dog breeds. Because they are bred to be working dogs, these medium- to large-sized dogs are often energetic, high-energy pets.

If you’re thinking about getting a husky and have small children, you should know the answer to this question: Are huskies good with kids?

Let’s take a look at what your Husky might expect when it comes to dealing with children.

Are Siberian huskies good with kids?

In general, huskies get along well with children. They are tolerant and amiable dogs, making them an excellent choice for families with young children. However, it is crucial to remember that both dogs and children must learn how to interact safely with one another. In general, leaving extremely young children unsupervised with any dog is not a good idea.

Continue reading to learn more about the husky’s temperament and trainability, as well as other factors to consider before adding one of these gorgeous and lively dogs to your household.

Are Siberian huskies good with kids

1. The husky temperament with children

Huskies are fantastic with children since they are generally kind, affectionate, and loyal. These beasts are pack dogs at heart, which is why they make excellent family pets. They will be highly devoted and protective of you and your children because they see you and your family as their pack. They’ll be a faithful companion throughout your children’s formative years, with an average lifetime of 12-15 years.

You’ll be in one of two situations

  • You have a husky and are expecting a child.
  • You already have a child and want a husky.

These scenarios should not necessitate a drastic change in attitude, but be prepared for it. Huskies are incredibly adaptive and will rapidly fit in and feel at ease with having new people around all the time. So having a husky first and then having a baby should not cause any problems. Dogs in general have the ability to detect pregnancy, and your husky will be anticipating the family change to some level.

Despite the fact that you will need to offer your infant a lot of care, you will also need to consider your husky’s demands. If you have a young child and want to get a husky, you should proceed with caution. Once again, the husky is likely to adapt first, while your toddler may take longer.

Are Siberian huskies good with kids

Keep an eye on how your child is reacting to the sudden shift of obtaining a dog; are they worried? Scared? All of these factors should be kept in mind at first. Never forget to pay attention and affection to them as well; they are still a part of the family and deserve to be treated as such.

Because huskies are so lively and playful, they make excellent companions for older children. These pups have enough energy to keep up with a lively elementary or middle schooler. And, because of the husky’s protective character, they’ll watch out for your children without being possessive of them.

If you have a toddler, newborn, or new baby at home, your husky will most likely treat them as a member of the family as well. However, regardless of how well-trained your dog is, we do not recommend keeping your young child unaccompanied around your husky. Medium to large dogs, such as the husky, might inadvertently injure a youngster by bowling them over during playtime or sitting on them unintentionally.

2. Husky Training for Family

To be a well-behaved family dog, the husky, like any other dog, must be properly taught and socialized. Whether you plan to acquire a husky puppy from a reputable breeder or bring home an older dog, make time to teach your new family member, especially if you have young children. Similarly, you must teach your children how to be careful and respectful of your husky.

Are Siberian huskies good with kids

The good news is that the husky is an intelligent dog that, while stubborn at times, is often eager to please and easy to educate. It’s yet another reason why huskies get along well with children.

3. Socialization Training for husky

Huskies get along well with children. Those who have been appropriately socialized with children from an early age are more likely to be. Adult huskies, on the other hand, can be socialized with a little more effort. Socializing huskies to a range of humans and children, other pets, and everyday circumstances is a vital element of parenting them. Your dog will be less likely to be caught off guard later in life if you do this.

Are Siberian huskies good with kids

Introduce your husky to individuals of various ages, genders, and races. Allow them to safely observe and engage with other dogs and small animals such as cats. Always use a leash and go slowly. If you’re in a public place, such as a dog park, always ask other people if it’s alright for your dog to meet them or their pet.

4. Expect noise when husky and children are together

The husky is well-known for its distinctive voice. While this breed isn’t very loud, husky owners should expect their dog to wail. This is especially vital for parents who have a new baby at home. You don’t want your dog waking up your child after you’ve finally gotten them to sleep. Prepare for the noise and think about further training to teach your dog to be quiet in the house.

Are Siberian huskies good with kids

5. Teach about your husky

This is especially true if your husky will be socializing with toddlers and slightly older children. Teach kids to respect your dog’s boundaries, such as not tugging on his ears or tail or attempting to ride him like a horse. Not only are such actions insulting to your pet, but an irritated, threatened, or hurt dog is more prone to act aggressively.

Are Siberian huskies good with kids

Are Alaskan huskies good with kids?

Alaskan Huskies are pack animals by nature; therefore they function well in a family context. Though Huskies are fantastic with children, some people advocate that they live with older children.

Husky would hurt the baby

In general, huskies get along well with children. They are tolerant and amiable dogs, making them an excellent choice for families with young children. However, it is crucial to remember that both dogs and children must learn how to interact safely with one another.

How can a husky and a child become friends?

Early socialization, positive reinforcement training, and appropriate mental and physical exercise are essential for husky puppies to develop into secure, healthy companions.

Are Siberian huskies good with kids

What should huskies pay attention to when they are with children?

Even though your Husky is very friendly, small children, in particular, should always be monitored when they are around your dog. Teach children how to interact respectfully. If your children are unpredictable and unpleasant, your dog may decide to discipline them on his own, which you will not appreciate.

Husky personality

Huskies, by nature, are very sociable and rarely exhibit hostile behavior towards strangers. Huskies frequently acquire a poor rap because of their wolf dog like appearance, causing many to believe they are a dangerous type of dog. That is not true.  Huskies, in fact, do not make good guard dogs and will likely become their friend if they see an intruder. This is because, in general, huskies are not unduly suspicious or frightened.

Are Siberian huskies good with kids

Huskies are an affable breed that enjoys company. Because of the way the Chukchi Tribe bred the Siberian Huskies, they’ve developed an excellent companion breed.

This is especially crucial for youngsters, since it aids in the development of relational skills and emotional intelligence. Making new pals couldn’t be simpler.

Huskies are exceptionally clever dogs who understand that your youngster is just that: a child. They have a natural capacity to detect this and will adjust accordingly. When dealing with your youngster, they will become more gentle and cautious.

Are huskies good for kids?

Huskies are great with kids because they are:

  1. Non-aggressive
  2. Very friendly
  3. Compassionate and enjoy being around people and other dogs
  4. Not suspicious and not easily frightened
  5. Extremely intelligent
  6. Naturally gentle with children


So, how do huskies get along with children? Because of their sociable, extroverted, and active character, Huskies are often wonderful family dogs. Huskies make excellent playmates for somewhat older youngsters because to their strong activity, but they will require a lot of exercise and cerebral stimulation. And, regardless of your children’s ages, it is critical that you properly train and socialize your husky.

If you’re husky gets lots of exercise and is well-trained and your children understand how to interact with a dog this breed appropriately will be an excellent friend for your children, as well as the entire family.


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